About us

VENTECH SYSTEMS PVT. LTD., a pioneer in Air Engineering Systems namely : Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Air Pollution Control Systems is an ISO 9001
: 2015 certified company started in 1997 with a sole purpose to cater to the precise needs of a wide array of Industrial Situations.
Air Pollution Control System

We render complete Engineering design, Technical & Customer Support services in the field of Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Air Pollution Control. The In house Design, Consultancy & Marketing set-ups are duly backed-up withfully equipped State of the Art manufacturing facilities. We provide cost effective enterprise solutions & turnkey services tailored to specific projects and typical requirements.

We aspire to lead the Industry through a customer focused approach,an innovative culture and the ability to respond positively to challenging requirements.Sustainability and inclusive growth are embedded in our vision and strategic plans.

Our Products

Our products are appreciated for their sturdy construction, easy installation,
low maintenance, durability and optimum performance.


Our company’s strength lies in its in-house design backed by a multi-disciplinary team of specialized engineers and sophisticated software & hardware facilities that provide value-added integrated engineering services with detailed design and engineering support as part of our comprehensive offerings of HVAC and AIR POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENTS AND SYSTEMS.

What We Do

WE Give Your Environment an Air of Luxury
Ventech System
  • As a leader in manufacturing premium quality Air movement, Control and Conditioning products, Ventech Systems Pvt. Ltd. offers the most comprehensive line of Ventilation , Air Conditioning & Air Pollution Control equipment available in the market. Our equipments are used across a variety of Commercial, Institutional, Residential and Industrial establishments in applications from comfort ventilation to manufacturing processes.
  • VENTECH makes its presence felt across various sectors like Automobile & its ancillaries,Electrical & Electronics industry,Data Centres/ Semi-conductors, Micro electronics, Paper and Printing, Power Plants, Cement Plants, Offices, etc. with its unique design , supply, installation, testing and commissioning services in the field of HVAC & Air Pollution Control Systems.
    VENTECH SYSTEMS PVT. LTD. provides integrated end-to-end solutions across a wide spectrum of businesses. The concept of a single-window solution on SITC basis offers a hassle-free environment where a fully commissioned System is delivered to the client .

Plumbing services

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Skill 1
Skill 2
Skill 3

How it works

What Our CLients Say

We are very fortunate to have formed excellent partnerships with many of our clients.
And we've formed more than just working relationships with them.

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