Guidance on Third Party Payments and National Budget
If you want to take the hassle out of your finances, then you can take out a third party agreement with us at Secure Personal Assistants.
Third Party Payments
If you want to take the hassle out of your finances, then you can take out a third party agreement with us at Secure Personal Assistants. This means that we will be in charge of employing your personal assistants, but you still do have a level of control. We will be here to support you with funding, training, recruitment and tips to help you manage your NHS personal health budgets. We will work with you to open a client account that you can receive funding from your Local Authority through and will aid you with all the steps of having your own PAs. We are one of the top payroll agencies who offer complete payroll solutions and agency payroll taking away any stress from you. Or Notional budgets can be arranged between yourself, and the NHS and they will arrange the agreed care and support needed to aid your care requirements.
Personal Budget Management
If you don't wish to enter a third party arrangement, there are two other types of service we offer where we are the legal employer. This is through an Individual Service Fund (ISF) which is similar to a third-party arrangement as outlined above, however, the funding tends to come from a local authority. The other is an Integrated Personal Budget (IPC). This is where the budget includes funding from both the local authority and the NHS. These two work together to ensure that your care and wellbeing needs are met.

A passion for excellence and empathy for the loved ones we serve.
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If you would like to find out more about Secure Personal Assistants, give us a call on 01902 902448 or fill out the form.